With Us.

We build the success of our company through the success of our people

SAATI is a global organization consistently achieving excellence thanks to the exceptional performance of the people who are a part of it. Our company provides opportunities to undergo professional development through both educational and international experiences.


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We Stimulate
the Proposal
of Ideas.

We nurture the potential of every single employee, every single day

In SAATI we nurture the development of every single employee. Each of them has access to paths that augment their skills through developmental programs for increasing responsibilities. We stimulate the proposal of ideas that contribute to the improvement of the company.



The success of our company originates from the passion of the people, which they pour into their professions every day. Whether you are in contact with the product or the market, in SAATI you will find people dedicated to their work who feel love for what they do.


We define creativity as the ability to broaden your horizons, expand individual vision and go beyond the limits of what is already known. This is a guarantee for continued success of SAATI. If you recognize this value within yourself, SAATI will offer you the ability to stimulate and cultivate it. It’s part of our DNA to face challenges and manage clients’ needs with a “Why not?” attitude, and to offer innovative products, services and solutions.


SAATI is a company in constant motion that requires goal-oriented people that are able to think in different ways, are willing to accept new roles & challenges, and who are calm and ready to make quick decisions in the face of unexpected challenges.


We want to do the right thing in the right way. The SAATI code of ethics confirms our willingness to pursue a behavioural model based on honesty, fairness, equity and respect, in line with the challenges coming from contemporary society and markets on a global scale.

TTeam Spirit

SAATI is looking for people adept in listening to others and in sharing their own ideas, who are able to work as a team and assume individual responsibilities, to be partners with their colleagues and to be quantifiable measures of growth within the entire group.


Not only the “know how” but recognizing how to use one’s knowledge with the greatest attention to detail, in order to provide the added value that customers appreciate so much.


Knowing how to transfer information with clarity, transparency and always addressing urgent needs is the approach SAATI implements to build trust within the team and in the stakeholders.


We look for people who know how to deal with challenges head-on, who know how to take risks and who have the courage to seek advice from others.